Turn the Tables is a new campaign that uses the voice of electronic music artists to mobilize young American voters to get involved in the fight to stop global warming.
NWF is organizing Turn the Tables music events at premier nightclubs to raise awareness and funds for climate action. DJs are getting in the mix! Top-name DJs will host events in major cities and use their online social networks to spread our message of hope and action.
Global warming isn’t fair. Americans comprise just 5% of the world’s population, but we are responsible for producing 25% of the world’s global warming pollution.
The world’s poorest people are least-equipped to cope with the impacts that scientists foretell – drought, wild fires, floods, rising sea-levels – and they will suffer the most. And animals and ecosystems with the fewest options to adapt will be faced with the hardest battles for survival. But there’s hope. We can turn this around.
Get in the mix!
Scientists tell us we need to set a target of reducing global warming pollution by 80% by 2050 to prevent catastrophic climate change. We can achieve that goal by reducing global warming pollution by 2% each year.
NWF is calling on Congress to pass strong legislation that will put America on track to achieve this goal. It’s a global problem, but the solution starts with you. Join us!
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/turnthetables911
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