186 Exhibition Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

According to recent statistics, it is highly likely that you own a smartphone and if you do not you will in the next 18 months. It is also highly probable that you use that smartphone to shop and access information on services.We are reaching a time where it will be unthinkable for most companies and organisations to not have their own smartphone app. In a matter of just a couple of years it has become an integral part of the marketing mix.

For more information on methods for incorporating Smartphone applications into your existing projects, please take a quick look over the information we have provided in the upcoming study posted below:
Turning Smartphone Apps into a Marketing Tool
One-day workshop
4 July 2012
Rydges Melbourne, Australia

Some questions you should ask yourself in the meantime:

Is having an app in line with the company's overall strategy?
What information do your customers want?
What kind of information would your app provide?
How would you measure the ROI of the app?
How could you ensure the quality of the data capture?
For more information or to request a brochure please contact Ark Group Australia on aga@arkgroupasia.com or call +61 1300 550 662

Official Website: http://www.arkgroupaustralia.com.au/Events-E017SmartphoneAPPs.htm

Added by Ark Australia on June 6, 2012

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