Turn Your Words Into Gold:
The Power of Edification >>
Tuesday, October 14, 8:00am-9:30am
(breakast provided)
7:30am doors open for informal networking
Location: Downtowner Woodfire Grill, St. Paul
There is power in “being impeccable with our word”. Edification is the building up, encouragement or moral uplifting of another. Learn how to apply the leadership principle of edification to:
* Become a natural and magnetic leader.
* Experience the power of being impeccable with your words.
* Understand the lingo of edification and watch your business grow.
EnglundRet web sml_1.JPGPRESENTER
Gloria Englund is a published author and national speaker. She has been employed as a corporate copy writer and a psychotherapist. For the last 20 years, as principal and founder of LifeStyle Options, Gloria has helped hundreds of people begin and develop their own successful franchise-like business.
As a seasoned entrepreneur, Gloria has extensive training and experience in helping others engage in effective networking, leadership development, and mentoring. She has represented LifeStyle Options and the Integrated Business System® during speaking engagements, in the U.S. and Canada as well as for local chambers and business organizations. Gloria holds a Bachelor of Science from the Teachers College from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln as well as a Masters of Art in Human Development from St. Mary’s University in Winona, Minnesota. She has completed her first year of spiritual direction training and is a graduate of the FireHeart Institute™. Gloria is also in the process of writing A Courageous Heart, a book about her relationship with her son who died in May 2007 after a 20 year struggle with addiction.
$50 gift certificate for Sunrider products.
Official Website: http://win14oct2008.eventbrite.com/
Added by Eventbrite Tawnee events on October 13, 2008