Turn the Page 2011: The Jewish View
March 24, 2011 6:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Turn the Page is back again with compelling topics, brilliant speakers and great company for Jewish women from all over the greater Seattle area.
Come connect on Thursday evening, March 24 from 6-8:45pm to enjoy dinner and an exceptional keynote speaker, Rivy Poupko Kletenik, and participate in learning sessions led by a variety of female educators. Join Women's Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation and women of all ages and backgrounds as we embark on a meaningful, fun-filled evening of Jewish Learning.
Keynote Speaker:
Rivy Poupko Kletenik will be presenting A Different View from Sinai: A Women's Perspective at the Seder
Are We a Rude Society? Rivy Poupko Kletenik
Yoga - Add Rejuvenation to Your Daily Life: Dana Azose & Sage Caprice Abowitt
Let All Who Are Hungry, Come and Eat: Amee Huppin Sherer
Views of a Jewish Mother and Her Children - A Personal Story: Gail Ben Meir
Bullying - A Jewish Perspective: Ruz Gulko
How to Live Judaism Every Day - As a Woman, Wife & Mother: Yohanna Kinberg
What are They Seeing? Jewish Responses to Teens, Tweens and Social Media: Amy Hilzman-Paquette
More information and registration at www.JewishInSeattle.org/TurnthePage
Official Website: http://www.JewishInSeattle.org
Added by FullCalendar on March 12, 2011