Unscripted and unpredictable, Tumbleheart offers vivid and spontaneous storytelling with words and the body. Tumbleheart is proud to present a Summer Solstice performance!
In recent months, we have been developing our ability to express ourselves as a single organism. How we, as Tumbleheart, might be so finely tuned that our individual impulses arise as if from the same source, or how our distinct stories can join together like a single string of pearls... different, and yet, in moments of true connection, all part of one common story. Come see what it's all about...
Sunday afternoon, June 2nd, at 4pm at the Mill Valley Golf Club Clubhouse. The event is sliding scale- tickets are available at $10, $12 and $15. Seating is general admission. The performance has an intermission with refreshments.
What we do...
TumbleHeart slows down time to discover the magic hidden in everyday experiences. Embracing the unknown and unexpected, unleashing a playful and mischievous spirit, and leaning into the places that scare us, we express true stories vividly on the stage.
We perform improvised, autobiographical, physical theater in solo, duet and ensemble forms as a celebration of our shared humanity. We rejoice in the transformative power of storytelling.
We are deeply grateful for the pioneering work of Nina Wise, the founder of Motion Theater(TM). Motion Theater is where we as an ensemble came together and found our voice, and it continues to be our core artistic practice.
Official Website: http://tumbleheart.weebly.com/index.html
Added by FullCalendar on June 12, 2008