Tulsa Opera has an art show up on the walls of the DoubleShot right now. We are having a party for them here on Friday, Feb 6 from 6-730p. The opera singers will perform and we'll have coffee, wine, and snacks for your enjoyment. Make sure you come for this. It's a short period of time on a Friday night and I really want to show support for the Tulsa Opera. If you haven't been to an opera here, you should go. It's amazing. I love it. Sitting in the audience, I am amazed at the talent these people have and the amount of practice and dedication that has gone into the production- from the sets to the costumes to the orchestra to the performance itself (not to mention the amount of money it takes to put on one three-day performance). The next Tulsa Opera production is "Hansel & Gretel" February 21, 27, and March 1. You should go.
Official Website: http://doubleshotcoffee.com/
Added by josephholsten on January 20, 2009