The Tulane Porn DebateIt's what happens when you put a porn star and a pastor in a room! From Playboy to Girls Gone Wild, pornography is a huge multi-billion dollar industry, but it's also a taboo subject. Many of us have our opinions on it; however, these opinions are rarely discussed. Tulane's Porn Debate, starring porn king Ron Jeremy and anti-porn pastor Craig Gross, will create a forum for intelligent discussion and examination of pornography. Is porn really an addictive bad habit? Is it degrading to women or just harmless entertainment? Learn the facts that will answer these questions and more in the Great Porn Debate. The debate is hosted by the BCM and will take place in McAlister Auditorium on Tuesday, April 21st at 7pm with doors opening at 6:00pm. A Q&A session will immediately follow.Porn Debate Quick FactsWHAT: The Great Porn DebateSTARRING: Ron Jeremy & Craig GrossHOSTED BY: Tulane's own Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM)WHERE: McAlister AuditoriumWHEN: Tuesday, April 21st at 7:00pm
Organized by Tulane Baptist Collegiate MinistryTulane Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) a student organization at Tulane University made up of Christ-Following students who desire to live out authentic Christian community. Our passion is to make the name of Jesus famous within the Tulane community by standing on Biblical Truth, building community which supports one another through good times and bad, and which lives missionally.
We meet weekly at our off-campus location at 7111 Freret St (across from The Palms).
Ticket Info: General Admission, $10.99
Official Website: http://tulaneporndebate-upcoming.eventbrite.com