10855 South Riverfront Parkway,
South Jordan, Utah 84095

Attention attendees:
BDU Corporate FLY-IN!
All distributors ranksare welcometo attend.
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED (No on-site registrations!)
Make sure and pre-register before booking your travel due to limited # of seats.

Date:March 16th & 17th,2009
March 16th: Hors D'oeuvres reception 7-9pmMarch 17th: Meeting 9-5pm
*Shuttle service will be provided from listed hotels. From the hotel to the Corporate office and back. See details at www.corporateflyin.com and click on event checklist.
*Transportation is not provided from BDU.

Cost: $20/Person Flying InOnline Pre-Registration only!
Distributors are responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses.
Location:MonaVie Corporate Office10855 South River Front ParkwaySouth Jordan, Utah 84095
There will be an hors d'oeuvre reception on the evening ofMarch 16th from 7-9pm at the MonaVie Corporate Office, the night before the meeting on Tuesday March 17th from 9-5pm.

Attention Non-Flying Attendees
The BDU Corporate Fly-in is intended for your important business-building prospects that are flown in from all parts of the country. BDU is sensitive to the attendees cost of airfare and hotel and has thus kept the actual event registration cost to a bare minimum.

Due to the limited number of seats at the Corporate Fly-ins, and in an effort to keep the opportunity equal to distributors in the field that are paying airfare and hotel costs, BDU is requiring those attendees that are not incurring flight expenses to pay a $300 registration cost. BDU will donate these funds to the MORE Project.

To help regulate those that are flying in to this event, we ask that you fax or email your flight itinerary prior to the event. Failure to provide proof of an airline itinerary will result in a $300 registration fee.

Email flight itinerary to: events@BlackDiamondUniversity.com
Or, fax to: (209) 464-2046

The pre-registration list at the event will note what attendees have provided the proper documentation.

PLEASE NOTE: All attendees must REGISTER ONLINE before the event. There will no longer be on-site registrations.

Registration for this event ends Monday March 16th, 2009 at 2:00pm PT and there will no registration after this ends.

For more details visit: www.BlackDiamondUniversity.com
NO Refunds

Organized by Black Diamond University
Black Diamond University offers quality training and motivation for you and your team. These events provide you with a sound foundation for growing your MonaVie business.

Ticket Info:  
  • Flying In Registration (No Refunds), $20.99
  • Non Fly In Registration (No Refunds), $307.50

Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/221446352/upcoming

Added by eventbrite-events on March 6, 2009

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