Tualatin, Oregon

DISCOVERY DAY - June 28, 2008

Registration Required

Our biggest paddle trip of the year, we expect more than 200 paddlers to participate. The day will start out at 8:00 am with the 2nd Annual Mayor's Challenge Canoe Race for local elected officials and our first ever Legislative Race for Senators and Reps.

To register send e-mail to vicki@tualatinriverkeepers.org with the following information:

* Your Name
* Your Address
* Phone Number
* Preferred put-in Time (9:30am - 1:00pm)
* Number in Party
* Are you a TRK Member?
* Are you bringing your own boat or would you like to rent from a canoe through TRK at $45 per boat? (A limited number of TRK boats will be free to members, subject to availability.)

If TRK boats are all reserved we can send you rental information from other outfitters.

Questions? Call us at 503-620-7507 or e-mail vicki@tualatinriverkeepers.org

Official Website: http://www.tualatinriverkeepers.org/

Added by multimodal on June 20, 2008

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