october 31st-november 2nd with kimberly wilson & keith moore
join kimberly wilson and keith moore for an advanced exploration of vinyasa yoga. dive into a deeper exploration of asana, pranyama through ashtanga based practice. specific topics include: sun-salutations, jumping back ashtanga-style, music in practice, assisting, seated and standing poses.
all yogis are welcome! this weekend is a part of the advanced 500-hour teacher training (TT500), both surya modules are required for graduation.
friday, october 31st 6:30-9:30pm - saturday, november 1st 1-9pm – sunday, november 2nd 10am-6pm
CEUs-continuing education credits are available for teachers of yoga! 17.5 contact hours in teaching methodology and yoga philosophy are available based on yoga alliance standards.
$350 for 3-day weekend intensive or enroll for the entire training. more info on TT500 available at tranquilspace.com.
Official Website: http://www.tranquilspace.com
Added by jhaile on October 2, 2008