1120 S. Lamar
Austin, Texas 78704

You can now watch this very brief trailer of William H. Molina's documentary film, "Truth Be Tolled" -- go to this site and click on "trailer" on the top right:


The film premiere of "Truth Be Tolled" FOR AUSTIN, will be held on Saturday, October 7th, at 7 pm at the Alamo Drafthouse Theater on 1120 S. Lamar in Austin. We will request a donation at the door -- which will be totally up to you. However, you will need a reservation. If you want a reservation simply send an email to: ljcurtis@indytexans.org and let us know how many will be in your party. But, please do this right away and come hungry so we don't get stuck with the catering bill! (Their food is great and you can even have beer or wine with your meal.) This event is sponsored by Independent Texans.

Seeing this film will be a great way to end the day after the Toll & Corridor Summit II, organized by CorridorWatch.org. This 9 to 5 affair will bring policy experts, elected officials and the media together with the community. Although this is not a political event, the timing of this year's Corridor Summit is crucial to keeping the policy debate on this issue alive and kicking before this most important election. Be sure to make your reservation at

Independently yours,

Linda Curtis, founder
Independent Texans
PO Box 14294
Austin, TX 78761

Official Website: http://www.truthbetolled.com/index.php

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