1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

The Social Justice Ctee. of BFUU has had many discussions about “what's going on?” over at KPFA Pacifica. We are deeply concerned about the viability of KPFA Pacifica after a long trend toward financial insolvency and internal divisiveness. We are inviting all parties and all concerned community activists to participate in a civil dialogue to inform ourselves about the nature of our concerns and how to resolve them. Will you come to the forum? Will you come with a spirit of good will and dedication to truth and unity? The event will be videotaped as a public record. So bring your best deeper caring self. State your best points without posturing or meanness? Encourage others to bring an open mind along with that great capacity for critical analysis that we already share in common.

Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Ctee
Admission free. Donations accepted for KPFA Pacifica
Wheelchair accessible.


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Added by benburch666 on January 13, 2012

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