115 MacDougal St (btwn Bleecker & West 3rd St)
New York, New York

Writing is a great talent, but talking effectively about one’s work is a completely different skill. Learn the difference when Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) presents the TRU Writer-Producer Speed Date on Sunday, July 22, 2012 at 5:30pm at the Players Theatre, 115 MacDougal Street, NYC. This is a great opportunity for writers to meet over a dozen serious producers - from beginner to Broadway level - and practice those all-important pitching skills. The deadline to apply for this event is Friday, July 13, 2012 at 2pm.

Scheduled producers include:
Paul Adams - artistic director Emerging Artists Theatre

Patrick Blake - producer (Play Dead, The Exonerated, In the Continuum) 

William I. Franzblau - producer (Sistas, Evil Dead the musical, 
Wonderland, Say Goodnight Gracie)

Rob Hinderliter/Anthony Johnson – artistic director of Mondays Dark Theatre Co.

Richmond Shepard - indie producer, theater owner

Ted Swindley - producer/director, owner of Ted Swindley Productions, Inc., a theatrical licensing and consulting company

Dauna Williams - producer (The Scottsboro Boys)

Cheryl Wiesenfeld - producer (Play Dead, Porgy & Bess, A Steady Rain, Legally Blonde, The Exonerated)

This is a chance for writers to practice their pitching with real producers who are open to and looking for new work, preceded by an hour of coaching and prep from experts Bailie Slevin and Michael Ian Cedar. It’s a great networking opportunity that uses the fun, fast-paced speed dating format, so every writer gets two minutes of feedback from every producer. And there’s a wine and cheese reception afterwards so everyone can meet and mingle.

To attend, email an application to TRUnltd@aol.com. The evening will be limited to 22 writers and costs $75 if accepted ($65 for TRU members). For more information about the evening, visit http://www.truonline.org/WriterSpeedDateJul12.htm.

Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) is a twenty-year-old 501c3 nonprofit organization created to help producers produce, emerging theater companies to emerge healthily and all theater professionals to understand and navigate the business of theater. Membership includes self-producing artists as well as career producers and theater companies.

TRU publishes an email community newsletter of services, goods and productions; presents the TRU VOICES Annual New Play Reading Series and New Musicals Reading Series, new works series in which TRU underwrites developmental readings to nurture new works as well as new producers for theater; offers a Producer Development & Mentorship Program whose mentors are among the most prominent producers and general managers in New York theater; and also presents Producer Boot Camp workshops to help aspirants develop the business skills they need. In addition to new works development and the speed date, TRU serves writers through a Practical Playwriting Workshop and a Director-Writer Communications Lab.

Programs of Theater Resources Unlimited are supported in part by public funds awarded through the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, as well as generous support from the Friar’s National Foundation Association.

For more information about TRU membership and programs, visit www.truonline.org or call 212-714-7628.

Official Website: http://www.truonline.org

Added by emilymt2011 on July 19, 2012