Robert J. Behnke, Ph.D.,Researcher, Conservationist, Author, and Angler of the Year
Presents Native Trout of Arizonaand Much More! Known as worlds foremost authority on trout and salmon Trout Unlimited has featured Robert Behnke in its quarterly magazine, Trout, for more than twenty years. Professor of ichthyology at Colorado State University, Behnke is our nations pre-eminent authority on trout biology, as well as a conservationist and superb fisherman. Known as The Trout Doctor, Behnke writes about topics such as native species introductions, genetic markers, endangered species, improving habitats, angling tips, and improved conservation in the wake of the efforts of Trout Unlimited. Robert Behnke is professor emeritus at Colorado State University.
Register with the button above by March 24th and be eligible for a special drawing.Raffle proceeds devoted to restoration of Canyon Creek. Sponsored By Zane Grey Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Download this detailed map of the GCC campus.
Organized by Zane Grey Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Ticket Info: Robert J. Benhke, Ph.D. Mar. 28, 2009, Free
Official Website: http://zanegrey-upcoming.eventbrite.com