315 E Pine St
Seattle, Washington 98122

Tristan Perich at Wall of Sound

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
6:00 PM, Free
Wall of Sound
315 E Pine St (at Melrose Ave)
Seattle, WA 98122

New York artist Tristan Perich is giving a series of unique electronic music performances across the United States. Perich's duet Dual Synthesis (for harpsichord and 1-bit electronics) explores the viscerality of electronic music. Mixing primitive sounds from his own hand-constructed instruments with the antique harpsichord, he choreographs intersections between acoustic and electric sound.

From art galleries to noise venues, Perich stages his physical approaches to the construction of sound. A regular staple of the New York City experimental scene, he creates music that spans electroacoustic, classical and noise. In addition to his solo work, he is also known for collaborative projects with the Loud Objects (Tristan Perich, Kunal Gupta, Katie Shima).

For composer/inventor Tristan Perich, Dual Synthesis comes on the heels of finishing his new album, 1-Bit Symphony. An electronic composition in five movements on a single microchip, 1-Bit Symphony expands on the format of his 2005 release, 1-Bit Music. A departure from traditional recordings, 1-Bit Symphony literally ‘performs’ its music live when turned on. A complete music circuit, programmed by the artist and packaged inside a standard CD jewel case, plays the composition through a headphone jack mounted in the case itself. Probing the foundations of digital sound, 1-Bit Symphony celebrates the virtuosity of electricity. The new album, to be released by Cantaloupe Music, will be available exclusively for presale at performances during the tour.

- Tristan Perich (http://www.tristanperich.com)

More Information:
- http://tristanperich.com/Event/825
- mail@tristanperich.com
- (917) 690-4991
- map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=315%20E%20Pine%20St,%20Seattle,%20WA%20(Wall%20of%20Sound)

Complete Tour Dates

(all shows Tristan Perich and Lesley Flanigan, except starred shows Loud Objects instead)

OCT 30 New York (The Stone)
NOV 04 Providence (AS220) with Blevin Blectum + Ashtray Navigations
NOV 05 Wellesley (Wellesley College)
NOV 06 Philadelphia (Crane Arts)
NOV 07 Pittsburgh (brillobox) * Art and Code festival
NOV 09 Muncie (Ball State IDIA) *
NOV 12 Chicago (Heaven Gallery) with Joseph Grimm
NOV 13 Milwaukee (Sugar Maple) * with Argyle Wishlist + Pataphor
NOV 17 Seattle (Wall of Sound)
NOV 17 Portland (Someday Lounge)
NOV 19 San Francisco (Grey Area Foundation for the Arts)
NOV 22 Los Angeles (The Wulf) with Lucky Dragons
NOV 25 Santa Fe (High Mayhem) with Evolve
NOV 29 Denver (tba)
NOV 30 Kansas City (tba)
DEC 01 St. Louis (Lemp Arts)
DEC 06 Atlanta (Eyedrum)
DEC 11 Charlottesville (The Bridge) with Chris Peck
DEC 12 Baltimore, MD (Red Room)
DEC 18 Brooklyn, NY (Galapagos) New Amsterdam Records event with NOW Ensemble

more details: http://www.tristanperich.com/tour

Official Website: http://tristanperich.com/Event/825

Added by Tristan Perich on November 17, 2009

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