Acclaimed, L.A. based TRIP Dance Theatre explores humankind's complex relationship with the earth in their powerful new work:
April 13 - 29, 2007 (THREE WEEK RUN)
Fridays & Saturdays at 8 p.m. / Sundays at 6 p.m.
FREE PARKING in Theater Parking Lot - 1 block North of Unknown Theater at the South East corner of Seward St & Lexington Avenue
ADMISSION: $18 Online ( / $24 Door Admission
INFO/TIX: or (323) 466-7781
Through dynamic contemporary dance, sculptural costume design, stunning video imagery, shadow play, and live, original music featuring amplified handmade instruments, TRIP Dance Theatre celebrates the way nature feeds our souls whilst exploring the dramatic and often devastating impact humans are making on the planet.
"Poisoning the Well" features choreography by Monica Favand Campagna in collaboration with the members of TRIP Dance Theatre, video design by Carol Gehring and original, live music by Charlie Campagna.
With beauty, drama and humor - this acclaimed ensemble brings to life the worlds of cranes, trees, monkeys, fish, humans and polar bears in arctic landscapes, swirling gyres of plastic, rice patties, red tides and forests of aspen trees.
"...a mind-blowing excursion into the aural and physical..."
- Los Angeles Times
Added by tripdance on February 9, 2007