“Pure musical symmetry” as three world-renowned musicians, Oliver Lake (reeds) Reggie Workman (bass) and Andrew Cyrille (drums), merge to apply a sparse yet tight, rhythmic concept to the totally open harmonics of the reeds, bass and drums. TRIO 3 “pushes the envelope" taking the audience gladly swingin'
with them. Experience jazz on all cylinders as this fabulous trio is joined by celebrated pianist Geri Allen to debut their new release, TRIO 3 (lake/workman/cyrille) + Geri Allen “At This Time” (Intakt Records) @ Birdland, Aug. 5 – 8, 8:30 & 11pm sets.
*** CD Release Party, Sat.,Aug. 8.***
Birdland NYC
8:30 & 11PM sets,
$30 general seating/ $40 premium seating
Birdland, 315 West 44th Street, New York, NY
For reservations, please call, 212- 581-3080
Official Website: http://www.birdlandjazz.com
Added by nightengale on August 3, 2009