Broadway at Wall Street
New York City, New York 10038

On Thursday, May 13th, Trinity Wall Street celebrates the Feast of the Ascension with a worship service, live music, refreshments and a garden tour open to the public. Ascension Day commemorates Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven and the day that the Trinity Church building was consecrated in 1846.

Following the 12:05 PM worship service, all are invited to join in the churchyard as the celebration continues with live music, lemonade, and birthday cake.

At 1:30 PM, Kevin Currie, Trinity’s florist and groundskeeper, will offer a special garden tour of Trinity’s North Churchyard. The tour will provide a bit of history about the plants and trees in the churchyard as well as other information about the flora contained within.

At 3 PM, a special concert celebrating the dedication of Trinity Church will be performed. Batia Murvitz (piano), Helena Berg (violin), Se-Doo Park (cello) and Uriel Vanchestein, (clarinet) will perform works by Schubert, Stravinsky and Brahms.

Added by rregal on May 13, 2010