Featuring the films based on C.S Lewis’s critically acclaimed Narnia Series, the Trilo3y.net Narnia Food Wine & Film Festival is the most anticipated interactive movie marathon experience in the world today. After listening to fans who for years have yearned to experience and even re-experience the Narnia trilogy on the big screen, we are very proud to make this dream a reality by producing this film series in vintage, historic movie theaters in the international cities of Los Angeles, London, Sydney and Wellington.
The film festival allows the rare and special opportunity for you to experience the Land beyond the Wardrobe first hand with like minded fans from different parts of the globe. Starting your day with with Mr Tumnus’s Tea and continuing with Aslan’s Feast during the course of the day, there will also be wine and spirit tastings along with brews and non-alcoholic samplings at Dancing Lawn.. just in case you will be joining the crew of the Dawn Treader later on.
Official Website: http://www.trilo3y.net
Added by Jullian Kane on March 13, 2013