1413 N. 20th Street
St. Louis, Missouri 63106

In Recognition of Thirty Years of Community Service Men and Women in the Spirit Host A Tribute To
Irene J. Smith Democratic Candidate for Mayor
Mistress of Ceremony: Talk Show Host Lizz Brown Friday, February 20, 2009 6:30 p.m.
St. Stanislaus Church Hall
1413 N. 20th Street (Just South of Cass Avenue Donation: $35.00 per person
Additional contributions are encouraged and appreciated.
Please Make All Checks Payable to Vote Irene J. Smith Mayor
P.O. Box 150436 St. Louis, MO 63115
or buy tickets online at www.irenejsmith.com

Added by voteirenejsmithmayor2009 on February 16, 2009