243 Haldimand Hwy. 54
Cayuga, Ontario

Want to save money and the environment? Plant trees.

Trees Ontario and partners invite landowners to attend free tree planting workshops

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Trees Ontario, along with the Ontario Forestry Association (OFA) and local planting agency partners, will host a series of six free tree planting workshops for landowners across the province in February and March 2011.

The workshops will focus on tree planting techniques, ways to reduce the environmental footprint as well as programs and incentives available to landowners interested in planting trees including the 50 Million Tree Program and the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP).

The workshops aim to build success off the most recent spring tree planting season that saw over 2 million trees planted across southern Ontario.

Landowners who participate in a Trees Ontario subsidy program can be nominated as Trees Ontario Green Leaders for the support they have shown in helping to re-forest the province.

Interested landowners are invited to attend a workshop in their area and make new connections with Trees Ontario field advisors, the OFA, local planting agency partners and other landowners.

Dates and Locations:

Tuesday February 22, 2011
7:00 - 9:00pm
Brockville, Ontario

Wednesday February 23, 2011
7:00 - 9:00pm
Caledon East, Ontario

Thursday February 24, 2011
7:00 - 9:00pm
Fenella, Ontario

Tuesday March 1, 2011
7:00 - 9:00pm
Ingersoll, Ontario

Wednesday March 2, 2011
7:00 - 9:00pm
Cayuga, Ontario

Thursday March 3, 2011
7:00 - 9:00pm
Elmvale, Ontario

For more information, and to register online, please visit: http://www.treesontario.ca/news/index.php/landowner_workshop_series

Alternatively, you can contact Trees Ontario

By phone: (toll free) 1-877-646-1193
By email: info@treesontario.ca

Space is limited and pre-registration is appreciated.

Official Website: http://www.treesontario.ca/news/index.php/landowner_workshop_series

Added by sarlin on January 26, 2011

Interested 1