101 East 15th Street, beneath the Daryl Roth Theatre
New York City, New York 10003

Tree Theatre's Bryan Grossbauer and Mike Papaleo take their two-person, ten character, musical to the D-Lounge in Union Square.
This new musical comedy, narrated over hip hop beats, speaks of the love between 83 year old Ida and 27 year old Tim.
Grossbauer and Papaleo explore reggae, rap, broadway and funk in this jaw-dropping one-act comedy.

If Harold and Maude were performed by two improv comedians channeling the Beastie Boys, the result might look a lot like Tim & Ida: A Love Story.
-John Pavlus

Tickets $8
Doors open at 7:00 pm

Official Website: http://www.treetheatre.com

Added by Tree_Theatre on October 27, 2006

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