Does your child suffer from frequent ear infections? Are you tired of giving her antibiotics every time her ears hurt? Do you know that recent studies seriously question antibiotic efficiency for treating childhood ear infections?
Parents can treat uncomplicated ear infections at home with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy supports the body's natural curative mechanisms and can lead to a gentle and rapid resolution of ear infections. Homeopathic remedies are readily available at drug stores and natural food stores. They are safe, effective, and easy to use at home.
About the workshop:
**Short Introduction to homeopathy
**Common symptoms and danger signs of ear infections
**Natural supplements for ear infections
**Homeopathic remedies for ear infections
Masha Rosen is a certified homeopath working at Bay Homeopathy in Burlingame.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 24, 2008