Treasures in Store exhibition of material from the collections of Bristol Reference library as part of Black History Month and Abolition 200. As well as material covering Bristol's participation in the slave trade (and its abolition), material is on view featuring the Hotwells Spa, a tourist attraction in Bristol in 1807, serving as a focus to illustrate what society was like at the time when Abolition was going forward.
Come and see prints and browse through materials like the Log of the slaver Black Prince. (Yes, browse through. Everything can be handled)
Free to all, but you must book a session. (You can probably just turn up).
sessions at: 1030, 1430, 1530, 1800.
All these materials are part of the public collections of Bristol's Library service and as such may be consulted by everyone. However, the Treasures in Store exhibition offers an unparalleled chance to see themed exhibitions which showcase the most interesting and remarkable materials.
Added by aesop on October 18, 2007