1100 S Hayes St
Arlington, Virginia 22202

My company hosts and organizes treasure hunts for children and adults; for bithday parties, field trips,family reunions and/or as a team building opportunities.
The current treasure hunts is geared toward the extreme shopper.

Treasure hunt geared toward the extreme shopper.This is for people who love to shop and love to look great (hair,nails,makeup). Shop your way to the treasure. Dress up in funky outfits,snapping pictures of your do's and dont's all while uncovering a shopping mystery at penatgon city mall. Max:3 in a group.

EXAMPLE CLUE:Ladies: You are preparing to go to your prom, you have forgotten to rent an outfit, There is only one formal store open. They sale only tuxedos…This is your only hope.. Find a tuxedo, and make it look feminine. Snap a picture and write down this clue.

Each clue will lead the shopper closer to the treasure. YOUR GROUP MUST HAVE AT LEAST 1 DIGITAL CAMERA.
The first group to decipher the message, and find the treasure wins a special prize($150+ gift certificate).
You can register online, view other dates and locations,order a bag lunch by Subway, view parent information, and view a sample orientation.
Contact us for registration info. Please reserve by the night before. Visit www.theurbanratrace.com to view calendar of events and to register

Official Website: http://www.theurbanratrace.com

Added by The Urban Bush on April 20, 2009

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