Travels with Earl, a SF Gray Panther
describes his recent trip to Peru and Chile.
Tuesday, June 16, 12:30 PM
Unitarian-Universalist Center
1187 Franklin St. (at Geary)
Fireside Room, Free, Wheelchairs OK
SF Gray Panther member Earl Gilman will talk on his recent trip to Peru and Chile, including the current uprisings by indigenous Indians and a visit with jailed American activist Lori Berenson. Earl Gilman is a former chapter president of SEIU Local 535, Labor Council delegate, and was involved with the Liverpool Dockers and Chilean Bank Workers Union.
Recently, Amazon region Indians in Peru have joined those in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Columbia in leading uprisings demanding indigenous peoples' rights and resisting exploitation of natural resources, especially oil and gas. Earl will talk about these developments and other areas of interest.
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Added by mlyon01 on June 1, 2009