From sketch books to digital photography, researchers and explorers have used many different technologies to record expeditions and share information. Discover how technological advancements have changed how we document explorations of the world, as you follow Field Museum expeditions from the 1890s to present day. Marvel over vivid images from The Field Museum's 1896 British Somaliland Expedition--the first expedition to Africa by an American museum. See renowned ornithologist Louis Agassiz Fuertes' sketching in the field during an expedition to Ethiopia in 1927. Study arresting images of the Akeley Camera, the portable motion picture camera designed by Field Museum's taxidermist Carl Akeley, notable for its advancement of the documentation of movement and behaviors of wildlife for research. Get a rare look at one of the largest books ever published with photos showcasing the rich natural beauty and cultural traditions of the Himalayan country of Bhutan. And discover how scientists today use technologies such as blogs, websites, and social media to document and share their discoveries. Uncover extraordinary stories of travel, scientific discovery, and rare encounters, only at The Field Museum.
Added by Upcoming Robot on April 15, 2011