105th Street and Riverside Drive
New York City, New York


Traveling rings, Californian's challenging and enjoyable way to stay fit, have just been constructed in Riverside Park at 105th Street and are available to use every day. This free ribbon-cutting event and perfomance features:
  • Lawrence Kolb and Michael Teisan of LA, top ring experts featured in The New York Times
  • Jeanann Pannasch, expert ring swinger, formerly of LA, now a NYC resident
  • Noah Spear of NYC, professional aerialist and instructor at The Trapeze School NY
  • Ivan Solomons of NYC, award-winning acrobat and aerialist, formerly of Ringling Bros. circus

    Come, grab a ring and swing from one to the next, building speed and momentum. Soon, you feel like you're flying. Once you?ve experienced this unique thrill, the addiction?s begun!

    Succumb to the Lure of the Rings!

    Where: Riverside Park at 105th St. (access at 103rd), in front of the Hudson Café.
    When: Sunday, May 2nd at 12:00 Noon
    Cost: Free
    For more info: Email info@swingaring.com or visit http://www.swingaring.com

Added by dorlene on April 6, 2004

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