1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, California 94043

For this one-day summit, Google teams-up with Common Sense Advisory to provide an independent, buyers-only forum in which to discuss how companies with a global web presence measure the quality of their translation providers.

EVENT PURPOSE: Buyers of translation and localization services - global companies, localization managers, global marketing execs.

SPEAKERS: Analysts from Common Sense Advisory and experts from Google

RSVP PHONE: +1-978-275-0500, ext. 1111
RSVP EMAIL/LINK: events@commonsenseadvisory.com

How do companies with a global web presence measure the quality of their translation providers? For this one-day summit, Google teams-up with Common Sense Advisory to provide an independent, buyers-only forum in which to discuss this question. Attendees will learn about the translation quality measurement tools developed by Google and will have the chance to hear from other major Fortune 500 companies on this topic in this full-day session moderated by Common Sense Advisory analysts.

Official Website: http://www.commonsenseadvisory.com/Events/tabid/874/vw/3/ItemID/1/d/20091113/Default.aspx

Added by FullCalendar on October 29, 2009

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