DIETS AREN'T THE SOLUTION, They Are Part of the Problem
How many times have you tried to lose weight and failed?
Dr. Shari Lieberman wants you to know that you did not fail;
your diet failed you.
In order to end the cycle of yo-yo dieting and unhealthy eating, Dr. Lieberman's Transitions is a total lifestyle system approach to health and weight management.
Nothing else on the market today offers a complete system that can help you finally achieve your goals for long-term succe ss.
Julie will be presenting Dr. Shari Lieberman's Transitions Lifestyle System. Her presentation will explain how Transitions is not a diet; it is a plan for health and life!
Who should come: Anyone who would like to learn how to eat healthy and not having to count calories with plenty of energy and better figure as the by products.
Why: It is a fun short presentation with testmonials, class schedule & waiting list ...Q&As and handouts... Door prizes & referral bonuses...
Check out the website for more information.
This is a FREE presentation however,Seating is limited!
Please call or email to reserve your seat TODAY!
Julie Guan, PhD 713-498-0173
Added by julieguan on March 10, 2008