215 Starling Avenue
Martinsville, Virginia 24112

Since the early beginnings of photography, techniques and technologies have grown and changed with the times. Nearly 200 years separate the first daguerreotype from today’s digital images. But one thing has remained the same: To take a picture, you need a camera. Or do you? Transitions has opened the doors of traditional photography to a new and utterly unique means of capturing flora and fauna with astonishing detail. Robert Creamer’s images are beautifully arranged, thoughtfully planned, and carefully composed on this new canvas—the plate glass of a flat–bed scanner. Creamer’s imagery is drawn from the research collections at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History’s Naturalist Center in Leesburg, Virginia, the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Florida, and the Echo Hill Outdoor School in Maryland.

Official Website: http://www.piedmontarts.org

Added by Piedmont Arts on July 23, 2009

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