677 W. Ranger Ave.
Alameda, California 94501

with Ralph Metzner Ph.D. of Green Earth Foundation,
http://www.greenearthfound.org and author of Sacred Vine of Spirits: Ayahuasca.

Part of the Solutioneers series

Come visit the Alameda Point Collaborative's emerging urban ecovillage site and listen, learn and socialize with this dynamic group of SOULutioneers. These are a few of the stellar folks connected to the growing Permaculture movement that are making a transformative difference in their own lives and communities as well as yours. Let them innoculate, pollinate and innovate your mind with permaculture, integral - sustainable - soulutionary thinking! Be a part of the emerging SOULution!
A Solutioneer is someone who examines a situation, explores its possibilities, determines solutions, and effectively actions them to completion.

A SOULutioneer is someone who does the above with sassy style, boundless love and commitment to peace, justice and wholeness. (That means you!)

A SOULutionary is a visionary leader with a holistic, integral approach.

A leader is someone who enables a group to engage together in the process of developing, sharing and moving into vision, and then living it out. They temporarily work the hardest and take the most risks of the group they are leading.

Added by raines on March 25, 2006