What is TransitCamp?
Transit Camp is inspired by BarCamp. Bar Camp events are powered by participation and collaboration. This particular TransitCamp will highlight the public transit system in the Bay Area Region and will bring together transit officials and citizens to discuss stuff like: getting schedules on the go, the future of the Bay Area transit system, experiences and observations (not complaints, though), the websites, cool ideas for attracting more riders, etc.
The event will be well-documented in the form of blog posts, wiki content, photos, and video for everyone who is unable to attend. (Please use the tag: transitcampbayarea)
Sign up here:
Eventbrite Signup
Official Website: http://barcamp.org/TransitCampBayArea
Added by msrogue on October 15, 2007
Oh I AM jealous.
Thanks Peter! It would be great to have anyone building cool stuff for transit down there!
we should dig up the materials from TorontoTransitCamp. I know Kieran and Gabriel have written a good deal of code as well.
People are frequently incredulous at my transit-surfing habits that I take for granted. It's great that the mobile technology is getting to the point to help others gain similar levels of engagement with the transit networks... and with the politics that drive them.
Doe anyone know whether aanyone from any of the transit authorities will definitely be coming (ie confirmed/interacted with the organizers or website)?
As a heavy public transit user myself (I don't have a car) I think this is a great idea, but it seems like a lot of effort could be wasted if the relevant authorities are not willing to engage with this event.
It would be sad if they don't/won't as you will be limited a to what you can reasonably get out of this otherwise (eg the value of building things using unofficial timetables vs having updated and reliable official timetables, etc)
I am working on a Transit Wiki project to develop an information source that can be edited by transit users: http://transitwiki.adventuresinurbanliving.net
Concepts have been developed for rail stations and transit lines, but more work has to be done.
That's awesome acnetj! Are you thinking of coming down to TransitCamp and presenting?
I live in the Bay Area, so I plan to come.
I still think we should invite these guys to speak about PRT. Looks like there's room on the scheudule.
Check out http://www.unimodal.com
I've cross-posted this to Facebook.
Sounds interesting, I'll plan to attend and spread the word!
It sounds like we've got around 75 RSVP's and some great talks scheduled. I'll be there just Saturday, equipped with video to document, engage, and give people another way to share. Reminder to all: RSVP via the link on the wiki so you'll be counted and we'll be prepared.
The Transitcamp Wiki Password is c4mp
For information about TransitCampBayArea2 see http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/473891/
Check out http://www.traincheck.com/sf/ if you haven't. built by Bart Solowiej and Frank Harris.
I think Bart is in SF and i sent him the link to this meetup.
-peter corbett