245 Whiting Farms Road
Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040

Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach
A One-Day Seminar for Therapists, Educators, Parents and other helping professionals teaching an extraordinary approach that has extraordinary results with ADHD and other challenging behaviors... an approach that helps all children to flourish beyond normal expectations.

6.5 Approved Credits for Psychologists, Professional Counselors, Social Workers and Marriage & Family Counselors for all workshops listed below.

Springfield: Monday, October 1, 2007
Presented by Gabrielli LaChiara
Holyoke Holiday Inn
245 Whiting Farms Road, Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040
Directions 413-534-3311

Preregistered - $75, Groups of 3 or more - $70 per person, On-site Registration (space permitting) - $80
See our online brochure and registration form at: http://www.academeca.com/CSF/
Go to this page and click on the Workshop to fill in the
Secure Online Registration Form
OR Call Toll Free 1-866-992-9399 - R. Cassidy/Amedco Seminars

Official Website: http://nurturinggreatness.net

Added by nurturedheartgal on September 17, 2007

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