What software development organization doesn't feel chaotic right now?
If you have ever been dissatisfied with your software development and would like to figure out how to avoid the chaos, diagnose its causes, repair and heal the product organization, and make software development hum, you'll want to attend this SofTECH presentation.
Ron Lichty has found himself repeatedly dropped into development groups in some form of chaos and disarray. A serial products and engineering leader, Ron says, "I've found that I excel at entering a company, untangling organizational knots, creating roadmaps everyone can follow, building communications with other parts of the organization, and getting teams productive and focused on delivery, quality and customers."
Drawing from his experience consulting with and managing a score of product development organizations, Ron will walk through the steps needed to identify and assess your organization, define success, and pull together the elements that will bring order and increase productivity for your business.
$10 for pre-registered guests/$20 at the door. No charge if you're a paid-up eBig member.
Official Website: http://www.ebig.org
Added by FullCalendar on September 21, 2009