101 4th Street
San Francisco, California 94103

Come out and join us for a matinée of the Transformers movie!

Click on the link below to purchase tickets in advance :)

Official Website: https://www.fandango.com/purchase/movietickets/ticketboxoffice.aspx?row_count=594613452&mid=90186&tid=AANEM

Added by arielwaldman on July 3, 2007



Would be kinda cool to see Transformers. As long as it is not as silly as Sarah Meyers wearing a transformer helmet!

Adam Glickman


i've got a dj dance party at noon, but i may try and squeeze this in and go to that late.




oh man.. saw this last night. So good!

Daniel Riveong

I am so going.


I'm there!


so is there a brunch or something beforehand?

Daniel Riveong

Mmmm...brunch. I may consider, but I plan on waking up late (as I can).


Anyone is welcome to try and plan a brunch. Food and I have a fabulous love affair :)


Food is a good idea - before the movie or after? If before, not sure what places will be open tomorrow or not...

Daniel Riveong


Food is the best and most loyal mistress I have. There are two categories in the realm of desire in this world: a soulmate and a lover. Food is my lover.

And with that, I'm off to find food. See all y'all tomorrow.

Daniel Riveong

That rocked guys! Thanks for organizing.


That was awesome!