Transformative Hypnotherapy presents:
Smoking Cessation
Thu, Apr 7, 7:00pm-9:30pm, Burlingame
Smoking Cessation
? Do you want to quit but can't seem to find the will power?
? Have you tried to quit several times but have failed?
This introductory class will inform you about the John Daughters' Hyponotic Intervention for Smoking program, one of the most successful smoking cessation programs in the country. Under this program most smokers who are committed to quitting are able to do so within just 2 sessions. All attendees will receive a $25 coupon for the John Daughters Hypnotic Intervention for Smoking program.
Did you know that smoking:
? Results in 390,000 deaths each year, 67 times the death rate during the Viet Nam war.
? Increases the risk of death from chronic bronchitis and emphysema by 4 to 25 times that of non-smokers.
? Increases the risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures
? Causes premature aging
During this workshop you will learn how the mind works and why making a conscious decision to quit is not enough. You will learn why the subconscious mind must be enlisted whenever you want to change a behavioral pattern or an addiction, and how you can do just that. You will be given an opportunity to experience a hypnotic trance induction that will support smoking cessation. In addition you well be trained in a powerful step-by-step process of self-hypnosis that reinforces behavioral change. This class is designed for those who want to quit, or for those who have loved ones who smoke, and want to know more about the John Daughters' Hypnotic Intervention for Smoking program.
About Joy Reichard: Joy is a graduate of two hypnotherapy programs and has been trained in the John Daughters' Hypnotic Intervention for Smoking techniques. Her experience includes weight, stress and pain management; fear and anxiety reduction; motivation and self-esteem enhancement; phobia self-care; co-dependency, insomnia, performance improvement. Member of A.C.H.E., A.I.H. and A.A.P.H.
Thursday, April 7
Smoking Cessation
199 California Drive, Suite 208
Burlingame, CA, 94010
$10.00. RSVP @ 650-692-6165 or Space limited. Please call in advance to reserve space.
Phone: 650-692-6165
About Transformative Hypnotherapy:
Hypnotherapy is a safe yet powerful technique that promotes change with greater clarity and ease. By working one-on-one with my clients I help them identify goals and the behaviors they want to change. Then I reinforce their goals by amplifying their focus and concentration and reducing or eliminating their mental and emotional barriers so they can achieve the success and fulfillment they desire.
Added by nancytubbs on March 17, 2005