October 12th-May 24th, 2013
No one is as smart as All of us!
This group will provide a powerful structure for accountability to get the results you are seeking by using...
Mastermind Practices
Proven to provide faster results and "group genius"
Mind Clearing
Increases flexible thinking and rational decision making, clears out toxic emotions, creates space for reality, greater understanding and powerful communication
Build high-level referral networks
Monthly accountability buddies
Group meets two Fridays a month: once in person from 9-12:00 and once via teleconference 9-10:00.
About the facilitator:
Penelope Bell brings the unique combination of somatic psychology and pragmatic business experience to sessions with clients. She has been self-employed since 1985 and has been involved with several start-up companies.
Clients consistently experience profound and life changing insights. Old patterns of behavior, hurts, and negative beliefs release - and often quickly and permanently disappear.
Contact Penelope directly to schedule COMPLIMENTARY individual session to see if this is the right mastermind group for you at this time. Not everyone who applies will be admitted . Participation is limited by business categories. Only one of each will be allowed into group.
Official Website: http://simplyamoment.com
Added by FullCalendar on September 25, 2012