2600 Bishop Drive
San Ramon, California 94583

H.H. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, internationally recognized spiritual Master and author, will visit the San Francisco Bay Area July 4th and 5th. Starting both days at 2:30 PM, he will present open meditation sittings, spiritual talks, and instruction into the inner Light and Sound:

*** DATE/TIME :***
July 4, 2010, 2:30PM
Public Talk: "Experience Wondrous Inner Realms"
4:00PM Initiation ((FREE Meditation instructions on Light and Sound)

July 5, 2010, 2:30PM
Public Talk: "Blissful Spiritual Love through Meditation"

*** LOCATION: ***
All events are free and open to the public at:
San Ramon Marriott, 2600 Bishop Drive, San Ramon 94583.

*** INFO: ***
Phone: 1-888-248-3962 x101



Official Website: http://www.sos-ca.org/masters_program.htm

Added by jbillimo on June 5, 2010

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