Weekly PhysioEmoDynamics TRANCEcendental Dance Parties are held in cozy settings. The transcendental character of the music is carefully selected to assist attendees in experiencing a collective state of bodily transcendence, similar to that of ancient shamanic dancing ritual, trough hypnotic, pulsing melodies and rhythms.
If you live outside of the San Francisco Bay Area, come and spend the weekend exploring magnificent ocean beaches and parks of Northern California.
Before the dance party starts we will spend 30 mins together following guided group session for emotional transformation of all participants utilizing PhysioEmoDynamics System.
PhysioEmoDynamics TRANCEcendental Parties (for singles and couples) are must attend events for conscious and adventurous souls like you. Come to get a RELEASE! Come to release stress and all emotional turbulence.
Next event - December 2nd.
Will be hosted weekly, so join our fan page on Facebook for updates:
Our upcoming event will be held in Los Gatos, in a private house. Thank to Dev Mohindra for hosting this time.
Please don’t forget to share the news with other and have your friends to LIKE the page, so you receive invites to all upcoming events.
Please donate at http://trance-parties-san-francisco-bay-area.eventbrite.com/ to cover DJ fees for the night and other expenses.
Suggested: $15, but if you are short on cash please suggest any form of barter - help with the event.
RSVP on Facebook is a must, yet not sufficient to get in the door unless above is settled.
6:45pm-7:00pm - registration - in silence.
7:00pm-7:15pm - Meeting in the silence - the floor is open for conversation only after 9pm.
7:15pm-8:30pm - Emotional fitness. Ever tried Dynamic Meditation, Ecstatic Dance, Tantric breath? We will do all above and much more.
8:30pm-11:30pm - Trance dance, thank you DJ who :-) group massage, socializing and improvising...
We will together work on healing our emotional wounds of the past, and relieving the stress of the present day – to meet in the space of innocence and connect with each other on deeper level.
Connecting through all of your senses with others, you will feel as your being is bending and expanding, shifting your false perceptions, healing your false belief systems.
We will co-create the space of unity, love and joy.
Music will be a passage to your wildest dreams. Ecstatic dance and dynamic meditation will take you to the deepest areas of Self.
At the end of the event you will feel energetically reborn, regenerated, rejuvenated.
You will experience the beginning of the energetic awakening and spiritual blossoming, along with others.
It will feel like the beginning of returning home.
Please don't forget to share the news with other.
Even if you are not local, become our fan - we will host "mind-blowing" events in your area soon.
At the PhysioEmoDynamics Institute we understand that violence is a
by-product of anger and resentment. Through deep healing, we show new options to people who thought they had run out of choices. By releasing emotional blockages from the past, clients can discover a new life in a new light - and all in fun environment.
The transcendental character of the music is carefully selected to assist attendees in experiencing a collective state of bodily transcendence, similar to that of ancient shamanic dancing ritual, trough hypnotic, pulsing melodies and rhythms... all to design the environment of joy and unification with each other in Love.
Before the dance party starts we will spend 30-60 mins together following guided group session for emotional transformation of all participants utilizing PhysioEmoDynamics System. Each party will be of more use for each attendee than 3 months therapy with a shrink. Just imagine how much money you can save!!!
See: http://PhysioEmoDynamics.com
We will together work on healing our emotional wounds of the past and relieving the stress of the present day – in a safe and fun environment - for al to meet in the space of innocence and connect with each other on deeper levels.
Connecting through all of your senses with others, you will feel as your being is bending and expanding, shifting your false perceptions, healing your false belief systems.
We will co-create the space of unity, love and joy and manifest peace n our own life and lives of others.
Music will be a passage to our wildest dreams. Ecstatic dance and dynamic meditation will take us to the deepest areas of Self.
At the end of the event you will feel energetically reborn, regenerated, and rejuvenated - yes 10 years younger. Can you handle it?
You will experience the beginning of the energetic awakening and spiritual blossoming, along with others.
It will feel like the beginning of returning home.
Will be hosted weekly, so join our fan page on Facebook for updates:
San Francisco Bay Area. Exact locations of each event will be announced through our fan page.
Please don’t forget to share the news with other and have your friends to LIKE the page, so you receive invites to all upcoming events.
For the last decade my work was revolving around information technologies - tech innovation and marketing. While I continue my work in this field, I find myself more and more passionate about what I like to call “human technologies”. I find that “traditional” psychiatry and psychology do pretty lousy job in delivering results. I aim to go beyond traditional methods and continue designing tools for rapid transformation that leads to emotional, and as a result, physical healing. So far I observe 100% success rate. I continue experimenting and am dedicated to innovation in this field… I will appreciate any support any of you can provide to further develop the system that I called PhysioEmoDynamics.
With PhysioEmoDynamics, during one on one sessions with me or (soon) with other practitioners, and by attending group events, everyone can achieve a rapid, even immediate, personal transformation without the use of medication or drugs and their related side-effects, both short- and long-term.
Once we have released blocked emotions, such as anger, guilt and resentment, and integrated a new set of associations between thoughts and emotions, there is no need for the body to store tension associated with unwanted emotions. There will be NO NEED FOR ANY ACTS OF VIOLENCE. The body naturally accepts this new state of being. Reduced tension naturally
leads to a healthier experience of life, full of joy and Love.
Thank to all of you, in advance, for referrals, reshares and just for being great friends.
Please like:
Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/events/305107826166373/
Added by o.k. on November 7, 2011