1307 King Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Learn to market your art and craft with our comprehensive entrepreneurial training program.

Empowered Women International selects talented immigrant women
artists, arts educators, and women who want to open businesses to promote art to participate in the business training for artists’ success starting September 4th through October 16th, 07 (meets Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Learn all about building a successful career as an artist or running your own art business. The class is an introduction to entrepreneurship as an artist, and presents practical ways, information and resources to lead artists in their chosen careers.

Artist participants will explore their inner entrepreneurial talents and will strengthen their confidence, business and marketing skills.
Artists will end the class with a professional portfolio, a personal marketing plan and will participate in a juried exhibition.

Classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from September 4th to
October 16th, 6:30-9 PM at
EWI - A Woman's Story Gallery
1307 King St., Alexandria, VA 22314

Exhibition and Graduation Ceremony will take place in October 2007.

Please fill out an application online, or email Sharmila at sdkhush@hotmail.com. Send $175 payment by check ($150/training fee, $25/artist membership) at the gallery's
address stated above. Low-income artists may be considered for scholarships.

Application deadline: August 31.

Official Website: http://www.ewint.org/entrepreneurial_f.htm

Added by leylaewi on August 13, 2007

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