3rd Ave & Main St
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460

(PhoenixvilleFunGuide.com) Summer Run Your First 5k Training Program Thursdays, August 5-September 23, 7-8 p.m. This program will help adults prepare to run (or walk or jog) their first 5-kilometer (3.1 miles) road race. Reeves Park on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. beginning August 5.The class will culminate with participation in the Kimberton Run on September 25, which we will run as a group. The cost of the training class is $50, which does not include the cost of race registration.Will 2 Win Athletics Phone 484-535-1140

Official Website: http://www.will2winathletics.com/

Added by Phoenixville Fun on July 25, 2010