37001 Mission Blvd
Fremont, California 94536

Experience the magic of our brightly decorated holiday train, covered with thousands of lights, as it winds through Niles Canyon on a 75-minute round-trip ride either from Fremont to Sunol or from Sunol to Fremont and return. FOUR TRAINS PER NIGHT--A twilight train and an evening train from Niles, Another twilight and evening train from Sunol. This annual fundraising event is presented by the Pacific Locomotive Association to benefit Niles Canyon Railway projects throughout the year. We are sincerely grateful for all of our supporters who help our non-profit, tax-exempt, living history museum continue to operate and grow. For more information, please see the website, or Telephone (925) 862-9063.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 8, 2010



Arrive early park in the lots on Niles Blvd. a vintage bus will take you to the boarding area to pick up your ticket and board the train. Look for the Golden Spike Volunteers with orange vests on Niles Blvd. to answer any questions and guide you to the train.

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