333 Blossom Hill Rd
Los Gatos, California 95032

Viola Anderson Native Plant Trail - It's not a jungle out there, and we'd like to keep it that way! Please join YSI every Tuesday at Vasona Park in Los Gatos, 4:00PM until dusk, beginning November 9, 2010 to work on the trail. Each year, thousands of Vasona park visitors and school children stroll along this trail and learn about 39 species of native plants. Help us remove invasive non-native species, pull weeds, trim shrubs and trees, water plants, and remove debris. Work for all ages. (Children under 14 need parent supervision). Wear work clothes, comfortable close toed shoes, bring gloves if you have them. Contact: Janet Hoffman--Email: janet@ysi-ca.org,Phone: 408-356-4945 x26.

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