2300 W. US Hwy 287
Waxahachie, Texas 75165

Contact info:tradedaywaxahachie@sbcglobal.net
Web Info: www.tradedaysofwaxahachietx.com
Monthly 2 day Trade Days event - Free Admission
Indoor and Outdoor Facility
Unique Items, Specialty Gifts & Treasures, Tasty food and Treats.

Added by ca.jen on March 17, 2008


Jesus Saves 39

Great trade days. Come join us. Saving1grace2001


If you want to have great time while in Waxahachie, TX., then you and your family need to head out to the Waxahachie Trade Days event on the 2nd Monday weekend of every month. It is held at the Ellis County Expo Center, next to the Cowboy Church of Ellis County. Indoor and outdoor vendors with all kinds of crafts, cool one-of-a-kind items, neat gotta-have stuff, antiques, second hand treasures, specialty clothes, woodwork, ironwork, tasty food, treats, you name it...I think we got it! Free admission & something for everyone. This thing is growing like crazy, and is starting to bear fruit. Hmmm, seems like the bible says something about that, huh? What do ya expect? It is being run by a group of GOD fearing, GOD loving, GOD worshiping JESUS freaks. See ya there!