7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Tokio, Tokyo Prefecture

Quantum computation, quantum communication, and quantum cryptography are subfields of quantum information processing, which is a new interdisciplinary field of information science and quantum mechanics.

TQC 2008 focuses on theoretical aspects of the subfields. The objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers in the subfields so that they can interact with each other and share problems and recent discoveries.

The workshop will be held from January 30 to February 1, 2008. It will consist of invited talks, contributed talks and a poster session.

Invited speakers

Andrew Childs (IQC, Waterloo)
Ignacio Cirac (MPQ, Garching)
Nilanjana Datta (Cambridge)
Jens Eisert (Imperial College, London)
Hirotada Kobayashi (NII, Tokyo)
Renato Renner (ETH, Zurich)

Official Website: http://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/tqc/2008/index.html

Added by Anastasia Rodichkina on January 16, 2008