1514 Broadway
New York, New York

FREE: From noon to 4 p.m. local time on June 14, Toys"R"Us stores nationwide are giving gamers a hands-on preview of "Guitar Hero On Tour," the new portable GH entry for Nintendo DS, a week in advance of the game's June 22 ship date. Besides getting familiar with the game's unique controller, gamers who attend the preview will walk away with some freebies (a Guitar Hero sticker, dog tag and temporary tattoo, while supplies last), while those who preorder the game during the event will also get a limited-edition Guitar Hero pick-stylus.

Official Website: http://babble.com/CS/blogs/droolicious/archive/2008/06/12/toys-quot-r-quot-us-previewing-guitar-hero-on-tour-in-stores-this-saturday.aspx

Added by first2letters on June 11, 2008

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