225 Nutley Street, NW
Vienna, Virginia 22180

"Toward a More Sustainable Society" -- an Earth Day 2007 Presentation by John Patrick, Environmental Protection Agency employee, student in George Mason University's doctoral program in Environmental Science and Policy, and Northern Virginia Ethical Society member.
In 2006, global climate change came into focus. With the debate over as to whether human activity contributes significantly to climate change, the debate now begins on what will be done to address it. Essential elements to consider for the possible solutions are environmental sustainability, economic development, and social equity. The role of ethics is fundamental in this multi-disciplinary approach. Sponsored by the Northern Virginia Ethical Society. Date: Sunday, April 15. Time: 11:00 a.m. This event is free. Address: 225 Nutley St., NW, Vienna, VA 22180. For driving directions and more information about NoVES, please visit the website, www.noves.org, or call 703 437 3161.

Official Website: http://www.noves.org

Added by ccentner on April 12, 2007

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