325 NE 20th
Portland, Oregon

A new Professional Workshop Series is being presented by Local 99, The American Federation of Musicians.

This series is intended to help all music professionals gain additional knowledge and insight into their livelihoods. All workshops are FREE to Local 99 members (a dollar or two donation for the building fund would be very appropriate) and $20 for non-members. A ten dollar discount is offered for members of other associations: CBA, JSO, PSA, PFS, etc…

Touring the NW for the Self-managed Artist/Band

This session will explore touring by the numbers: Cash flow, when to take risks, when not to, exploiting your niche, good venues to perform at, booking contacts, press strategies, information harvesting, building your brand, to bring your band or hire sidemen, time management, planning and how the solutions to those issues will change based on why you are touring. You will have an understanding of how to book your own tour after this session.

The regions covered will be Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Utah and Northern California. There will be a question and answer period.

The session is presented by Noah Peterson. Noah is a full-time working musician with over 15 years experience in the NW performing, touring, recording and composing music as a band leader, sideman as well as being a video producer, record producer, on-air radio host, booking agent, publicist, arts advocate, musicians advocate and Union board member. His touring methods have built a network of musicians in the outlying areas, a fan base, and established venue and media contacts for a variety of different gigs including: house concerts, festival work, media appearances, arts council concerts, farmers markets, independent concerts, bar/night club gig, dinner gigs, session work, clinics and lesions. The Thursday session will be a walk through of how to build your own network along with some resources to get you started.


This session will take place at 325 NE 20th in the Rehearsal Hall of Local 99
Thursday, June 16th at 7pm

Added by Noah Peterson on June 13, 2011

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