Moog Inc. is a world leader in customized performance systems and components for Aerospace, Medical Devices, Military, and Industrial applications. The companys success is recognized by recording a monumental 14 consecutive years of increased sales revenue and net earnings. During this time, the company has experienced growth in all facets, most notably, technology and employee development.
TheMarch 26thASTD event will consist of a tour through Moogs Aircraft Group facility to showcase its efforts toward process improvements, followed by a brief overview of some of the initiatives Moog has implemented to enhance employee development.
Overview topics:
ؠGlobal Learning and Development Council
ؠLMS Learning Management system
ؠEDM role Employee Development Manager
ؠTraining certification
ؠPerformance Management system
NOTE: Everyone must go to lobby to pick up their tour badge and show required proof of permanent residency. Only Permanent US residents may participate, due to nature of Moog work; birth certificate required. There will beNO cameras allowed at this event.
This event is FREE pre-registration is required by Tuesday March 24th.
For Directions and Maps go to
Organized by Niagara Frontier ASTDThe Niagara Frontier Chapter of ASTD is Western New York's premier resource for learning professionals. We offer monthly meetings from September through June each year. For more information visit our website - www.astdniagara.org
Ticket Info: Moog Tour, Free
Official Website: http://astdniagaramoog-upcoming.eventbrite.com